W is a research collective that studies action in a performance setting. What does it mean to act as others watch? What characterizes the relation we call theater?

To answer these questions, W simultaneously develops three complementary approaches: a practice, which builds tools and techniques for the actor; a critical method, which suggests reception guidelines for the spectator; and a theory, which works towards defining notions useful to the first two approaches.

In particular, W produces games, a score writing software, a lexicon of operational notions, workshops and practical sessions, critical seminars, as well as articles and conferences.

The W-practice attempts to build and experiment with tools for the performed action, that is, all situations where one acts in front of someone.

The first tool, the W-lexicon, is an operative lexicon that proposes to name the different aspects of a performed action.

The second tool, the W-notation, is a system for writing and articulating the action in the form of scores using the Organon software.

The third tool, the W-method, consists of an assortment of techniques for performing.

These tools are developed and passed on during research sessions bringing together performers of all kinds. They are also practiced in the form of games iin which the activity of the actor, playwright or author is formalized to become a specific object of work.

Organon is a free and shared software that allows you to partition any performance, action, activity or process.

Organon uses W Notation, a system that works from tasks or instructions stated in common language and organized according to a rigorous syntax.

Organon allows an existing performance to be noted for preservation or transmission purposes. It is also a compositional tool for choreographers, directors, performers - and anyone who wants to organize or model an action.

Visit Organon.pw.