W was born in 2003 following a project on the conditions of a collective verbalization in an improvisational setting (Bloc, Centre Choréographique National, Tours). That work was continued further during a collaboration between Jeanne Revel and Joris Lacoste with Joao Fiadeiro around his method of Composition in Real Time (Centre National de la Dance, 2004). It has since evolved on its own.
W has run various practical sessions with actors : in 2006 at the Théâtre National de la Colline and in 2008-2009 at Cip-Idf at Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers.
W contributed to the creation of Joris Lacoste's performance Purgatoire at the Théâtre National de la Colline in 2007.
In addition, W has organized several research seminars : in 2005-2006, at the University of Paris 3 in collaboration with the Théâtre de la Colline; in 2007-2008, at the Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers, in partnership with the Dance Department of the University of Paris 8 and the Master Degree in stage direction of the the University of Paris 10 ; and in 2008-2009 in partnership with the review Art21.
In 2007-2009, W was in residency at the Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers.
From 2008 on, W held W-games during various festivals and in art centers (Printemps de Septembre in Toulouse, Bétonsalon à Paris, 3bisf à Aix-en-Provence, Villa Arson in Nice...).
Since 2014, W has been developping the score writing software Organon.
In 2016-2018, W was in residency at the Centre National de la Danse.
W is directed by Joris Lacoste & Jeanne Revel.